Submit Your Story
Inspired by AMFA’s exhibition, Whitfield Lovell: Passages, which showcases Lovell’s playing cards, jewelry, flags, flowers, and other objects to explore complex themes in our nation’s history, The Story Project invites you to tell your own stories through memory-rich objects.
Whether it is an old family photograph, a piece of jewelry handed down through generations, the recipe of your favorite homemade dessert, or the LP record of your favorite song, The Story Project wants you share an image of this item and the memories connected to it. This is your opportunity to start meaningful conversations through a simple act of sharing.
To visit Whitfield Lovell: Passages is to envelope oneself in an immersive experience built by multiple layers of history, identity, and legacy. The Story Project serves to extend that experience outside the galleries by creating a virtual tapestry of objects and stories that reveal the diversities and strengths within our community.
How it works:
Take a picture of your meaningful object.
Write a short story about why the object is meaningful to you.
Complete the form and submit for publication!